Lady Blog

i just wanna hear a good beat…throwback thursdayzzz…the director showed up to the shoot on acid  and I was trying to tell him that he had to light black people differently ……!  he said…”dont worry lil’ girl” and patted me on the head !! I insisted on using a lot of strobe light but was surprised when the record label said they would not use the footage because of the strobe lights!!!  The president bob krasnow complained that Groove is in the heart “hurt his eyes” so i shouldnt have been so surprised when they refused to promote this video. we added special effects to save it but ..point is…we were lightyears beyond the record labels comprehension . My concept came from a dance scene from the Monkey’s head movie in which the dance flickered between Ying and Yang…depending on how you see a thing. Monkey’s head inspired both musically and visually.